Discussion Boards
Informational Websites, Books and Articles
Exhibits and Findings
MacDonald's Magical Mystery Tour
3D Views of the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment
Make Your Own MacDonald Apartment
MacDonald statement analysis by Mark McClish
Find a Grave: Colette MacDonald
Find a Grave: Kimberley MacDonald
Find a Grave: Kristen MacDonald
Fatal Vision by Joe McGinness
Final Vision by Joe McGinness
Epilogue to Fatal Vision by Joe McGinness
Federal Bureau of Prisons: Inmate Locator
MelissaData: MacDonald Defense Fund (zip code 22205)
July 23-24, 1970: |
Newsday article by John Cummings: Story and interview with Jeffrey MacDonald
July 1998: |
Vanity Fair: The Devil and Jeffrey MacDonald
Oct. 24, 2003: |
Larry King Live transcript: Interview with Jeffrey MacDonald
Nov. 2, 2005: |
CBS: Jeffrey MacDonald: A Time For Truth
Mar. 17, 2007: |
CBS: Jeffrey MacDonald: A Time For Truth
Dec. 21, 2011: |
Briam Murtagh - Remarks
Oct. 6, 2012: |
Joe McGinniss: "Court Cases That Last Longer Than Some Lives"
Dec. 5, 2012: |
Washington Post: Gene Weingarten article: Brian Murtagh's Fight to Keep MacDonald in Prison
Dec. 7, 2012: | Ted Frank article: Gene Weingarten on Jeffrey MacDonald and "A Wilderness of Error"
Jan. 6, 2013: |
Errol Morris, "A Wilderness of Error": Provocative but Unpersuasive
Jan. 8, 2013: |
Columbia Journalism Review: "Wilderness of Errol" by Lindsay Beyerstein