
November 1, 1971

Letter from Freddy Kassab to Jeffrey MacDonald re: MacDonald's visit to Long Island

Scan of original letter

November 1, 1971: Letter from Freddy Kassab to Jeffrey MacDonald re: MacDonald's visit to Long Island

Transcipt of original letter


We have just been told by a friend
that you were here on Long Island a few weeks
ago.  If this is so, I think you should be
thoroughly ashamed of yourself for not at
least calling us on the phone.
For one solid year we called
you almost daily and did everything that
human beings can do to help you.  In return
we received a total of two phone calls from
you, one tp give me hell because you thought
that I had released a story prematurely &
the other to stop me from coming to Ft
Bragg to get a copy of the transcript.
I have just inquired from
both the Army and the F.B.I. and find that
you have never asked for any information
on the progress of the investigation to find
the murderers.  Perhaps you [illegible] would
like to push the whole thing behind you.
We can't & won't until whoever did this
is punished.
