Court Records
May 10, 2012
United States District Court
Eastern District of North Carolina
Government's Sur-Reply to Jeffrey MacDonald's Motion for Additional DNA Testing Under 18 U.S.C. § 3600
Index of ExhibitsExhibit #1 | Peter Taberlet ET. AL., Reliable Genotyping of Samples with Very Low DNA Quantities Using PCR, 24 Nucleic Acids Research (No. 16) 3189 (1996) |
Exhibit #2 | Roland A. H. van Oorschot & Maxwell K. Jones, DNA Fingerprints from Fingerprints, 387 Nature 767 (June 19, 1997) |
Exhibit #3 | I. Findlay ET. AL., DNA Fingerprinting from Single Cells, 389 Nature 555 (Oct. 9, 1997) |
Exhibit #4 | Peter Gill, Application of Low Copy Number DNA Profiling, 42 Croat Med J.229 (2001) |
Exhibit #5 | References on Y Chromosome, Y-STR References, Bibliography |
Exhibit #6 | Natasha Gilbert, Science in Court: DNA's Identity Crisis, Nature News, Mar.17, 2010 |
Exhibit #7 | J. M. Butler, Recent Developments in Y-Short Tandem Repeat and Y-Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Analysis, 15 Forensic Sci. J. 91 (2003) |
Exhibit #8 | Timeline of Events Surrounding Development and Use of miniSTR Loci for Forensic DNA Typing |
Exhibit #9 | Bruce Budowle ET. AL., Validity of Low Copy Number Typing and Applications to Forensic Science, 50 Croat Med. J. 207 (2009) |
Exhibit #10 | Bruce Budowle, Low Copy Number Typing Still Lacks Robustness and Reliability, (2010) |
Exhibit #11 | GX 30 - Photograph depicting MacDonald kitchen sink and dish drainer |
Exhibit #12 | GX 31 - Photograph depicting MacDonald kitchen counter and coffee maker |
Exhibit #13 | GX 32 - Photograph depicting MacDonald kitchen dish drainer and stove |
Exhibit #14 | GX 33 - Photograph depicting blood drops on MacDonald kitchen floor |
Exhibit #15 | GX 35 - Photograph depicting phone off the hook in MacDonald kitchen |
Exhibit #16 | GX 76 - Photograph depicting MacDonald bathroom sink and blood drops |
Exhibit #17 | GX 521 - Photograph depicting MacDonald hall linen closet door |
Exhibit #18 | GX 43 - Photograph depicting Hilton bath mat on body of Colette MacDonald |
Exhibit #19 | GX 448 - Photograph depicting Hilton bath mat |
Exhibit #20 | GX 1065 - Photograph depicting markings on Hilton bath mat made by knife and ice pick |