Photos of eyeglasses on floor

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U.S. Government photo (closeup created by webmaster)

Eyeglasses as found on the living room floor
Eyeglasses as found on the living room floor
Closeup of eyeglasses as found on the living room floor
Closeup of eyeglasses as found on the living room floor

CID Findings

March 29, 1972:  USACIL Consolidated Report

Webmaster note:  This writer can find no reference to this exhibit in the USACIL Consolidated Report.

ca. May 18, 1973:  USACIL Report 70-FA-P-C-FP-82-R34

USACIL Report 70-FA-P-C-FP-82-R34, page 1  Page 1
USACIL Report 70-FA-P-C-FP-82-R34, page 1

Examination of the contents of Exhibit E33 revealed the presence of one pink-red wool fiber.

ca. June 25, 1973:  USACIL Report FP-82-70-R35

USACIL Report FP-82-70-R35, page 2  Page 2
USACIL Report FP-82-70-R35, page 2

Paragraph 1:  Comparative microscopic examination of the pink wool fiber from Exhibit E33 revealed same to be dissimilar to the fibers of Exhibits A through F, H, I, J and BB.

Paragraph 2:  It should be noted that the fiber from Exhibit E33 was similar in color to some of the wool fibers from Exhibit BB, however there were differences in other physical characteristics. No fibers from Exhibit BB could be found that were completely consistent in all physical characteristics to the fiber of Exhibit E33.

Webmaster note:  Exhibits referenced in paragraph 1 (described on page 1 USACIL Report FP-82-70-R35, page 1
USACIL Report FP-82-70-R35, page 1
of this report) are believed by this writer to be the same exhibits as those listed below:

A Piece of knitted material, pink & white D128 Portion of collar bearing red-brown stains from bed in south bedroom
B Quilt, purple, pink and green D124 Quilt bearing red-brown stains from bed in south bedroom
C Yellow/red doll shirt D42NB Doll shirt bearing red-brown stains from north bedroom
D Pink powder puff H54NB Pink powder puff bearing white powder from southeast corner of north bedroom bed
E Pink blanket D58NB Pink blanket from bed in north bedroom
F Pink toilet cover D55 Cloth toilet seat cover bearing red-brown stain from hall bathroom
H Plastic bag containing clothing removed from body of Kim MacDONALD D208 Clothing bearing red-brown stains from Kimberly MacDonald
I Plastic bag containing clothing removed from body of Kristen MacDONALD D212 Clothing bearing red-brown stains from Kristen MacDonald
J Plastic bag containing clothing removed from body of Collette MacDONALD D209 Clothing bearing red-brown stains from Colette MacDonald

BB Multi-colored Afghan comforter found on couch in living room of Quarters 544 Castle Drive, Ft Bragg, NC.

ca. July 12, 1973:  USACIL Report 70-FP-82-R36

USACIL Report 70-FP-82-R36  Page 1
USACIL 70-FP-82-R36

Comparison microscopic examination of Exhibit E33 with E51MBR revealed same to be dissimilar in physical characteristics.

ca. August 23, 1973:  USACIL Report 70-FA-D-P-C-FP-82-R37

USACIL Report 70-FA-D-P-C-FP-82-R37  Page 1
USACIL Report 70-FA-D-P-C-FP-82-R37

Comparitive microscopic examination of fibers removed from items present in the house at 544 Castle Drive, Ft Bragg, N.C. and items relating to this case, present in the evidence room at the CID Office, Ft Bragg, N.C., did not reveal same to be similar in physical characteristics to the fiber of Exhibit E33.

Related exhibits

D33 Red-brown stain from eyeglasses found on floor of living room

Webmaster note

Exhibit D33 (red-brown stain from eyeglasses found on floor of living room) and Exhibit E33 (fiber found on right lens of eyeglsses) are sometimes referred to interchangeably. For example:

Page 130 of the CID Reinvestigation report (March 1 - August 27, 1973) lists D-33 as "One pill vial containing a fiber of hair-like substance from right eye lens of glasses found on floor." However, page 131 of the same CID reinvestigation report lists "Exhibit E-33: One pill vial containing a pink-red wool fiber," and page 134 of the same report lists "Exhibit E-33 - One pill vial containing a fiber of hair-like substance from right eye lens of glasses found on floor."


March 1 - August 27, 1973: Excerpts from CID Reinvestigation    

August 6, 1979: Dillard Browning (CID) at trial    

August 28, 1979: Final arguments at trial