CID Findings

March 29, 1972:  USACIL Consolidated Report

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 17  Page 17
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 17

Paragraph 1:  Examination of Exhibits E5, E19a, D23, E63NB, E116, D118, E119, E301 and E303 revealed the presence of wood splinters identical in type, color, texture, and all other physical characteristics to the wood of Exhibit A.

Paragraph 2:  It is the opinion of the examiner that the wood splinters present in the Exhibits listed in paragraph 1 could have originated from Exhibit A.

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 20  Page 20
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 20

Paragraph 33:  Examination of Exhibits D23, D123, D221, D229, D237, E3, E6, E16, E19a, E20a, E24, E32, E52NB, E116, D118, E119, E205, E300, E301, E302 and E303 revealed the presence of fibers identical in type, color, denier, twist, and all other physical characteristics to the fibers of the pajama jacket, Exhibit D210.

Paragraph 34:  It is the opinion of the examiner that the fibers present in the Exhibits of paragraph 33 could have originated from Exhibit D210.

Paragraph 37:  Examination of Exhibits D221, D227, D229, E10, E11, E13, E50, E116, and E120 revealed the presence of human head hairs, grossly similar in all physical characteristics to the head hair of Kimberly MacDonald.

Paragraph 38:  It is the opinion of the examiner that one or more of the human head hairs present in the Exhibits of paragraph 37 could have originated from the head of Kimberly MacDonald.

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 22  Page 22
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 22

Paragraph 54:  Exhibits E19a and E116 contained human body or pubic hair that was grossly similar in all physical characteristics to the known hair of Exhibit E313.

Paragraph 55:  It is the opinion of the examiner that the hair of Exhibits E19a and E116 could have had a common source of origin with the known hair of Exhibit E313.

Related exhibits

A Piece of wood 31" x 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" bearing red-brown and white stains
D123 Purple bed cover bearing red-brown stains from bed in south bedroom
D124 Quilt bearing red-brown stains from bed in south bedroom
D125 Purple blanket bearing red-brown stains from bed in south bedroom
D126 Top sheet bearing red-brown stains from bed in south bedroom
D210 Blue pajama top bearing red-brown stains
E123 Hairs, fibers, and miscellaneous debris removed from purple bedspread in south bedroom
E124 Debris from quilt from bed in south bedroom
E313 Pill vial containing hair removed from pubic area of CPT MacDonald


July 13, 1970: Dillard Browning (CID) at the Article 32 hearing    

October 23 and 24, 1974: Dillard Browning (CID) at the Grand Jury    

January 15, 1975: William Ivory (CID) at the Grand Jury

1971-1975: Excerpts from notes of Paul Stombaugh (FBI)      

July 25 and 26, 1979: Robert Shaw (CID) at trial

August 1, 1979: Craig Chamberlain (CID) at trial

August 6, 1979: Dillard Browning (CID) at trial    

August 8, 1979: Paul Stombaugh (FBI) at trial    

August 24, 1979: Jeffrey MacDonald at trial