The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of the front of the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment building, facing northwest The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of front doors of the Kalin apartment (542 Castle Dr.) and the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment (544 Castle Dr.), viewer facing north The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of view from the front door of the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment at 544 Castle Drive, facing south across Castle Drive The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of front view of the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment building, facing northwest. The lower right window is the MacDonald living room window; the remaining windows are all part of the Kalin apartment. The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of front view of the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment at 544 Castle Drive, facing northwest The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of front view of the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment at 544 Castle Drive, facing northwest from the Pendlyshok apartment The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of view looking down Castle Drive to the west, from the Pendlyshok apartment.  The MacDonald apartment is to the right. The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of view looking down Castle Drive to the west, across the street from the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment building (542 and 544 Castle Drive apartments are to the right, not visible). The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of view facing northwest from the intersection of Castle Drive and Dougherty, across the street from the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment building (MacDonald apartment is to the right). The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of view facing north-northwest onto the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment (544 Castle Drive is to right of center). The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of view facing north onto Castle Drive and the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment (MacDonald apartment is to the left of center). The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of view facing north onto Castle Drive and the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment (MacDonald apartment is in center and to the right of center). The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of view facing north onto Castle Drive and the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment building.  The Kalin and MacDonald apartments are to the right of center. The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of view facing north-northwest onto Castle Drive and the Jeffrey MacDonald building.  Kalin apartment partially visible on right (MacDonald apartment to right of Kalins' not visible). The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of view from the MacDonald parking area, facing northeast onto the MacDonald apartment (left) and the Pendlyshok apartment (right). The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of view facing northeast down Castle Drive. The MacDonald apartment is approximately in front of and to the right of the red car. The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of view facing east down Castle Drive. The MacDonald apartment building is to the left. The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of back view of the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment building, facing southeast.  Utility room door is at left end of building; kitchen door is to left of center. The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of back view of the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment building, facing southeast.  Utility room door is at left end of building; kitchen door is just to the right of center. The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of back view of the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment building, facing southeast.  Utility room door is at left end of building; kitchen door is just to the right of center. The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of view of the Pendlyshok building (center) and Jeffrey MacDonald apartment building (to right), facing east. The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of the back of the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment building (center), facing southwest from north corner of Pendlyshok's building. The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of the back yard of 544 Castle Drive, facing northwest from Pendlyshok window.  MacDonald apartment is to left of center in foreground. The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of the back of the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment building, facing southwest.  Utility room door is at left end of building; kitchen door is to right of center. The Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Representation of the back yard of the Jeffrey MacDonald apartment building, facing north from the MacDonald's utility room.