CID Findings

ca. April 6, 1970:  USACIL Preliminary Lab Report

USACIL Preliminary Lab Report, page 15  Page 15
USACIL Preliminary Lab Report, page 15

Paragraph 38:  Examination of the wax like substance of Exhibits D123, G131, and G201 found same to be different in chemical composition to the wax from candles in the MacDonald home.

ca. April 20, 1971:  USACIL Report P-FA-D-C-FP-82-70-R24

USACIL Report P-FA-D-C-FP-82-70-R24, page 2  Page 2
USACIL Report P-FA-D-C-FP-82-70-R24, page 2

Paragraph 5:  Comparative examination of the wax samples in Exhibits G131 and G201 with the candles in Exhibit G (11-17) showed same to be dissimilar.

March 29, 1972:  USACIL Consolidated Report

Webmaster note:  Although this exhibit is mentioned on page 15 USACIL Consolidated Report, page 15
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 15
of the USACIL Consolidated Report, no Findings for it appear in that report.

Related exhibits

G(1-8) Eight (8) candles from premises of 544 Castle Drive, Ft Bragg, NC
G9 Beams Choice Bourbon bottle containing a yellow candle and bearing multicolored wax on bottle
G10 Beams Choice Bourbon bottle containing a yellow candle

Webmaster note

According to U.S. Attorney Thomas McNamara, the MacDonald residence contained seventeen candles. Dillard Browning testified to comparing 14 different waxes, candles, or other similar paraffin materials, known to come from the MacDonald house, with the three unidentified waxes found in the MacDonald house. He referred to first receiving six candles, then later receiving two candles in wine bottles, for a total of eight candles at that time. He later received six more candles.

Since the eight candles of Exhibit G(1-8) are not candles in wine bottles (but G9 and G10 are), and since Exhibits G11 through G17 would presumably include seven candles, it is difficult to determine exactly which exhibits made up the total of 14 candles he received.

It is assumed by this writer that the Notes below refer to Exhibits G11 through G17. For more information about candles and/or wax, see Exhibits G(1-10).


June 1, 1984: Excerpt from inventory of 544 Castle Drive    

June 6, 1984: LTC David McNeill's CID property acquisition report re: 544 Castle Drive