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U.S. Government photos

White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with Geneva Forge knife under dresser
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with Geneva Forge knife under dresser
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with Geneva Forge knife circled by investigators
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with Geneva Forge knife circled by investigators
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with wood splinter circled by investigators
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with wood splinter circled by investigators
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor
White 9 x 12 rug in east bedroom, with body of Colette MacDonald on floor

CID Findings

ca. Sepember 20, 1971:  USACIL Report P-D-FA-C-FP-82-70-R29

USACIL Report P-D-FA-C-FP-82-70-R29, page 2  Page 2
USACIL Report P-D-FA-C-FP-82-70-R29, page 2

Paragraph 2:  Examination of the rug and rubber pad included in Exhibit CC failed to reveal any punctures or cuts that could be attributed to an ice pick or sharp cutting instrument.

March 29, 1972:  USACIL Consolidated Report

Webmaster note:  This writer can find no reference to this exhibit in the USACIL Consolidated Report.


February 17, 1970 - April 10, 1972: Excerpts from CID Reinvestigation    

April 6, 1970: Jeffrey MacDonald's CID interview with Grebner, Ivory and Shaw    

July 5, 1970: Pre-Article 32 defense questioning of Robert Shaw (CID)    

July 5, 1970: Pre-Article 32 defense questioning of William Ivory (CID)    

July 14, 1970: Craig Chamberlain (CID) at the Article 32 hearing

July 21 and 22, 1970: William Ivory (CID) at the Article 32 hearing

July 22, 1970 - August 31, 1971: Notes of Janice Glisson (CID) and CID Lab Documents      

July 23, 1970: Robert Shaw (CID) at the Article 32 hearing

October 24, 1974: Dillard Browning (CID) at the Grand Jury